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Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness

We've been proud to be part of the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness to shine a powerful spotlight on the millions of lonely people living in our communities.

Our call to action

We're calling for action from the Government in three key areas:

  1. National leadership
    A UK wide strategy for loneliness across all ages
  2. Measuring progress
    A national indicator on loneliness across all ages
  3. Catalysing action
    A fund to help scale up and spread promising approaches to tackling loneliness

Commission report

The Commission published its final report on 15 December 2017. It reflects on what the Commission has learnt over the past 12 months and sets out what needs to happen next.

I will not live in a country where thousands of people are living lonely lives forgotten by the rest of us.

Jo Cox

How you can make a difference

Each and every one of us can make a difference in our communities.

What is the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness?

During her time as an MP, Jo Cox was dedicated to combating loneliness in the UK. Jo formed an independent, cross-party Commission of MPs and charities to highlight the fact that we can all do something to help lonely people in our community.

Following her tragic murder, the Commission was taken forward in Jo's memory by Rachel Reeves MP from Labour and Seema Kennedy MP from the Conservatives in order to, in Jo's words, 'turbo charge the public's awareness of loneliness'. Age UK has been proud to be one of the Commission's 13 partner organisations. We remain absolutely committed to working hard to make the recommendations of the Commission a reality.

For more information call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 65 65 (8am-7pm, 365 days a year).  

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Last updated: Jul 15 2024

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