Personal care at home
Local Age UKs’ personal care teams provide friendly and professional help for older people with daily tasks such as washing, dressing and bathing.
This is a paid-for service which is only available in certain areas of the UK. Please check with your local Age UK to find out if this is available.
Personal care in your own home
One of you local Age UK trained carers (sometimes called a ‘personal assistant’) will visit you at home at agreed times of the day, or in some cases will provide care over the entire 24-hour period. You will pay an hourly rate for this service.
According to your own needs, they will help you with:
- Getting in and out of bed
- Bathing
- Getting dressed
- Going to the toilet
- Eating and drinking
Our services are regulated by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) to ensure the highest standard of care for our clients. You can find details of all Age UK’s CQC inspection reports at
Personal care at our day centres
Some Age UK day centres are able to offer a low level of personal care to clients, such as help with showering and bathing. See how to apply to join a day centre.
You can also arrange home help via Age UK if you would like some extra assistance with household tasks.
Home from hospital service
Some older people feel concerned about how they will cope at home when they leave hospital after a longer stay.
Some local Age UKs provide short-term, practical help for people who have just returned from hospital to help them to overcome any immediate problems. Usually this is delivered over the period of a few weeks.
This can help to prevent hospital readmission or being prematurely admitted to residential care.
The types of support local Age UKs can offer for people returning from hospital are:
- Transport home from hospital
- Working with you to set goals in order to regain confidence and independence
- Helping you to settle in and making sure you are safe and warm
For more information call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 678 1602.
We’re open 8am to 7pm, every day of the year.