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What are telecare and telehealth services?

Telecare and telehealth services and equipment is designed to help you live independently and stay safe and in control of your health and wellbeing.

What is telehealth?

Telehealth equipment is designed to help people who live at home manage their long-term health conditions. These devices allow you to monitor your health without having to keep visiting your GP.

When you get the telehealth equipment you need, you'll be shown how to take readings. These will automatically be sent to a healthcare professional who will check your results and keep an eye on your health needs.

How could telehealth help me?

How telehealth could help you depends on your what long-term health condition you're living with.

If you have high blood pressure...

A monitor can help you measure your blood pressure at home and automatically send the results to your GP.

If you have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...

You can get a device that measures levels of oxygen in your blood to show how well you’re breathing. Your doctor or nurse can check these readings and, if needed, get you help at an early stage.

If you’re diabetic...

A glucose meter can keep a check on your blood sugar levels. You can also get a low blood sugar alarm that looks like a wristwatch – you wear it at night to warn you if your blood sugar drops when you’re asleep.

If you get recurring urinary infections...

A simple telehealth device can test for this. You send the results electronically to your healthcare professional so you can get early treatment.

Ask your GP, health visitor or community nurse about what's available in your area and whether you’re suitable for telehealth monitoring.

What is telecare?

Telecare refers to devices that use technology to help you live more independently and safely in your own home.

Some telecare devices are designed to prevent problems from happening. For example, a device that sends an alert if you leave the gas on by accident. 

Other telecare devices get help to you in an emergency, for example, a personal alarm that allows you to call for help if you have a fall. 

How could telecare help me?

There are a number of different telecare devices out there, depending on your needs.

  • A personal alarm, which you wear as a pendant or bracelet, lets you call for help if you have a fall.
  • A fall detector can automatically sense if you’ve fallen. The alarm alerts someone, usually a member of staff at a response centre, without you needing to push a button.
  • A talking motion sesnsor, which plays a recording when you walk past it. For example, you could set it so that it plays you a reminder to take your keys when you're leaving the house. 
  • Motion sensors set up by your bed can let family members or carers know if you get out of bed and don't return within a set period of time at night. This can be useful if you're worried about falling at night. 
  • In all of the cases above, pagers can notify a family member or carer if a telecare sensor is activated.

Landlines across the UK are currently being switched over to a new digital system, which may affect telecare devices and personal alarms. This process will be gradual and won't be complete until the end of 2025. Your telephone service provider should contact you before the switch takes place. But you may wish to contact the supplier of any telecare devices you use to check if the device will work with the new system or whether any equipment may need to be upgraded. 

Find out more about changes to landline telephone systems

How can I get telecare devices from my local council?

Your local council may provide telecare devices. The first step is to ask the council for a care needs assessment. This assessment looks at what your care needs are and whether telecare devices would help meet your needs. The council will also look at whether other care services would help you.

If your council provides telecare devices, you may be charged. However, you may be entitled to help with the cost. The council will carry out a financial assessment (also known as a 'means test') to decide whether you're entitled to help with the cost of telecare devices or other care services.

Find out more about the care needs assessment

Contact your local council

Get in touch with your local council's adult social services department

What do I need to consider when buying telecare products?

You may choose to buy your own telecare devices. Before spending money on a telecare device or service, consider some of the following things:

  • Is telecare right for you?
  • Have you checked whether you can get telecare devices provided by your local council? You may be entitled to help with the costs of telecare.
  • Have you checked your benefits? Benefits such as Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance can help you pay for telecare devices.

If you're buying a telecare product, you should:

  • list the things you want your product or service to do, and check your list against the product's features
  • check there’s a guarantee and a returns policy in case it doesn’t meet your needs
  • read customer reviews to find out what other people think
  • if you need a larger or more expensive product, consider leasing or hiring it, as your needs may change in the future
  • check different designs and think about how things will look in your home
  • shop around for the best price
  • ask whether the installer can come back regularly to check that everything's working correctly.

If you’re a carer, it's important that you make sure the person you’re caring for is comfortable and confident in using the product.

Are you entitled to extra money?

Do you know what benefits you're entitled to? Our online benefits calculator can help you quickly and easily find out what you could be claiming.

Get a free benefits check

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We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.

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Last updated: Aug 20 2024

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