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later life
not old age, twilight years, retirement (unless specifically talking about someone who is retired)

not Legacy - and it's better to talk about gifts in wills (see G)


link text and buttons should be descriptive and let users know exactly what they are getting by clicking that link. If you talk about something more than once on a page, you only need to link to it once – decide where the user is most likely to expect that link to be.

The more links on a page, the more difficult it is to know what to do or where to go next, making the page more difficult to use. So use links sparingly.

If you're linking to an external website (eg taking the user away from the Age UK website) make this clear to them. 

use bullet lists when there are several items in the sentence, when it's clearer for the reader and when it helps to break up the copy on the page. Don't have too many items in a bullet list.

When items in a list are part of a sentence, introduce with a colon, use lower case letters and only use a full stop after the last point, eg:

Anna enjoys:

  • eating biscuits
  • riding her bike
  • serving her feline overlord.

When items in a list can be sentences in their own right, introduce with a colon, use capital letters for each new point and use full stops at the end of each point, eg:

Anna enjoys many activities:

  • On Mondays she likes eating biscuits.
  • On Fridays she rides her bike.
  • She serves her feline overlord every day.

Don't mix dos and don'ts within lists.

Don't use 'and' or 'or' within lists, eg:

Anna enjoys:

  • eating biscuits; and
  • riding her bike; or
  • serving her feline overlord.

Instead, write:

Anna enjoys:

  • eating biscuits.


  • riding her bike


  • serving her feline overlord.

local Age UK
your local Age UK/local Age UK, not brand partner or local partner (except when talking about programme partnerships)

local council
not Local Authority, LA

it's better to talk about someone 'feeling lonely' or 'experiencing loneliness' rather than labelling them a 'lonely person'. Sometimes we need to flex this eg in fundraising, it can be very powerful to talk about 'lonely older people' 

long-term health condition

loss (hearing/sight)
be clear if you're talking about people currently experiencing these problems (losing their sight), or who have always had these problems (have a visual impairment)

Is anything missing from the Age UK style guide?

Do you need clarification on any style questions? Let us know!


Last updated: Feb 08 2023

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