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Scams Prevention and Support Programme

The Scams Prevention and Support Programme aims to prevent thousands of older people from becoming victims of scams, and to support older victims of scams, so they feel safer and less likely to become repeat victims.

What is the Scams Prevention and Support Programme?

In England and Wales, an older person becomes a victim of fraud every 40 seconds. That's over 800,000 older people every year.

Our Scams Prevention and Support Programme provides one-to-one advice sessions to older people at risk of scams or who have been scammed. The sessions provide in-depth scams information and advice tailored to the individual and may lead to referrals to other services. The programme also delivers awareness-raising talks to provide general information on how to spot and avoid different types of scams, and how to take action against suspected scams.

The Scams Prevention and Support Programme is running from January 2022 until December 2023.

Where is the programme running?

The programme is being delivered across 15 local Age UKs in England and one Age Cymru. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact your local participating Age UK.

Our partner

Age UK is extremely grateful to the Lloyds Banking Group for funding the Scams Prevention and Support Programme. 

Read our report

The Age UK Scams Prevention and Support Programme has emerged as a crucial initiative in the fight against the escalating threat of scams and fraud targeting older people in England and Wales. Read more about what we achieved.

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Last updated: Jul 22 2024

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