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Easy lentil curry recipe

Lentils are a good low-fat source of protein. They are easy to cook and can be stored in the cupboard to be used again. This can be a main meal for two with some salad or bread, or a side dish for four.

Preparation time: 5-10 minutes (excluding soaking of lentils) | Cooking time: 25-30 minutes | Serves: 2-4


  • 170g/6oz lentils
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 small apple
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1½ tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1 squeeze lemon juice
  • 1 small tin baked beans
  • 8cm/3in chopped cucumber


  1. Wash and soak the lentils as per instructions on the packaging.
  2. Add the bay leaf to the lentils and boil in water until tender, then drain.
  3. Heat up the baked beans in a pan.
  4. Peel and chop the onion and apple, and add to the crushed garlic and curry powder and fry in olive oil for 15 minutes until soft and browning.
  5. Add the lentils, baked beans and lemon juice to taste, and accompany with cucumber pieces.

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Last updated: Jul 15 2024

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